Monday, February 14, 2011


I'm not making fun of Diabetes...or Wilfred Brimley, but it just helps me deal with things when I make them kind of funny. 

Well, after failing my one hour glucose test a week prior, I took the 3 hour glucose tolerance test on Friday. 

First of all-I just want to say how INCREDIBLE my husband is. He really, truly is. He had to work Thursday night, so he got home from work at 6:30 in the morning on Friday-and he just stayed awake and took me to the test. Can you imagine? After working a 12 hour shift overnight and having no sleep, he then takes me to my test and sits in a waiting room with me for 3 hours. Oh-he also brought me home like 5 magazines to take to the test. See. Incredible. Very Happy 

Anyway, we got there about 8-8:15. They took my fasting blood sample and ran that. Then they gave me the drink. It tasted pretty much the same as the first one I had a week before, except that it was WAY MORE SUGARY. It was a lot harder to choke down-especially because they give you a time limit. After I drank the drink, I went to sit back out in the waiting room for an hour. Let me just say that the first hour was ROUGH. I felt like crap. My pulse was elevated, I was shaky, and I started to get a little bit of a headache. Also, my eyes were a little blurry. Great. Then I started crying a little bit....Ryan was very sweet and told me to just relax, take a deep breath and they would be out to get me soon to draw my blood. After they drew me that time, I went to the bathroom and I felt a little bit better. 

As the rest of the time went on, I started to feel better. They did let me drink some water and stuff so that was good. By the time of the last draw, I felt okay, I was just really, really hungry. 

We left the lab and not even an hour later I got a call from my doctor's office. I failed. 

They hadn't even gotten all the results back, but the first two were enough to fail me apparently. So I guess I have gestational diabetes. Fan-freakin-tastic. I will do whatever I have to do to take care of Nolan and myself. I already feel guilty and like I've caused harm to him, so there is no way I'm going to harm him any further. 

The diabetes center called me this morning to set up my appointment. It's Wednesday at 9 a.m. A dietician will speak with me as well as a nurse, who will show me how to check my blood sugar everyday. I was already scheduled for my regular OB appointment that day too-so it will be nice to go to that appointment and talk with my doctor and see what she has to say as well. 

This will be a big change for me, I'm sure. But like I said, Nolan is my top priority and if watching my diet and sticking my finger several times a day is what it takes to keep him healthy, then I'm doing it.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

For the love of god, I have to get out of the house!!

Oh. My. God.

I've been stuck in the house basically all week. The stupid blizzard situation all over the country this week has kept me out of work and stuck in the house. I finally got to leave yesterday for a doctor's appointment (which included my glucose tolerance test)...hooray! I was so fucking excited to be out of the house I about pissed myself.

The appointment went well-baby is doing fabulous. I have gained 1.5 pounds since my last appointment-so that's not bad. I'm never excited to see the scale go up, but I guess I shouldn't complain-I've gained less than 15 pounds this entire time, so I hope I can keep that up. I have friends who have already gained close to 40 pounds. The glucose test wasn't that bad honestly. The stuff tasted and smelled a lot like orange Triaminic....  Lame.

Ry did take me out to lunch afterwards and we stopped at Hobby Lobby where I got some cute letters for Nolan's nursery. More about those when I finish them and have a picture to post.

But now, I'm stuck inside again. It snowed AGAIN this morning...well, most of the day actually. Ry is at work all weekend, so I'm here-sitting in my house-all my chores done (hehe)...and CRAVING A BELGIAN WAFFLE LIKE IT AIN'T NO THANG!!!!!!!! Holy crap, someone come rescue me from this snowy prison and take me out for a waffle before I flip my shit!

I suppose I could finish contacting the stylish blogger award people. I only have a few left. I'll get to that later I guess. Right now my big concern is getting out of here and getting a waffle.