Sunday, November 28, 2010

Hi-I'm ridiculous

So, I ended up going to the ER on Friday.

I talked about having some pressure the other day and it was making me a little uncomfortable. Well, on Thanksgiving, when my hubby woke up, he saw me doing some research on it and asked what was going on. I started to explain it to him and I started crying because I was freaked out. He was SO GREAT. He sat there with me and held my hand and tried to calm me down. We talked through it and decided that since there was no actual pain or bleeding or anything that we would go about our day and wait until I could talk to my doctor's office the next day.

I felt better on Friday but I still had a little bit of pressure. When I finally talked to the nurse at my doctor's office, she didn't make me feel any better. Keep in mind at this point, I have asked several pregnant and previously pregnant friends about this-and almost all of them told me that it's normal. Most of the information I found on the internet also said that this was normal, despite a few instances where this pressure (more severe along with other symptoms) was not normal. So just when I'm feeling better about this, the nurse tells me, "'s not normal for 16 weeks....I think we'll try to get you in Monday ('s FRIDAY)...and I would just say to spend the rest of the weekend laying on your left side and drink a lot of water."  Me: "Oh....well, if it's not normal, will I be okay until Monday, or do I need...." Her: "Oh yeah!! You'll be fine. We'll see you Monday at 9. Have a nice weekend!" CLICK. Me: "What the HELL?"

In the world of me, if you tell me that something I'm experiencing isn't normal, but then you tell me I'm good for 3 days as long as I lay down...that's incredibly confusing. So I tell Ryan what she said and then he starts getting pissed because she actually said that it wasn't normal but then didn't seem concerned about it. So we start freaking out and decide that we are going to the ER. At this point, we don't care if we look like idiots who are worrying for nothing, this is about the health of our baby.

So we go to the ER, I explain everything that's been going on and tell them how casual the nurse was about it at my doctor's office and the nurses and doctor there agreed with me. They couldn't believe that she would tell me something was not normal, especially without even consulting with my doctor. I mean, if it's not normal, she should have told me to come in right then for a quick exam or tell me to go ahead and go to the ER just to get it checked out since they couldn't see me until Monday. So everything ended up being okay. My cervix looks and feels just like it should, and we picked up a strong heartbeat as usual. Either way-it made me feel a lot better to go and get a professional opinion.

We still have the appointment tomorrow morning and as far as Ryan is concerned, he's gonna make sure they know exactly what the nurse told me and which nurse it was. I gotta say, I can't be mad about that. These are my doctors and nurses, they are supposed to have my best interest in mind and they are supposed to understand when I have concerns. I'm not just some random crazy pregnant woman. I'm sure they see a ton of those too. But I would like to know that if I had a concern like this again they would take it a little more seriously. Anyway, so we'll see after we have the appointment tomorrow whether or not I still feel comfortable with these healthcare providers.

Thursday, November 25, 2010


On this Thanksgiving, I feel that I have a lot to be thankful for.

For starters, I could not be more thankful that I'm pregnant. I thank God for that everyday. After two losses, I feel blessed that I've made it this far, and I continue to pray that I will make it to full term and have a healthy baby. Sometimes it's hard to believe that I'm even at this point. And sometimes, I still get scared that something will go wrong. Case in point-I contemplated going to the ER today. Why? Because I felt a little bit of pressure on my vajayjay. Granted, everything is growing and expanding, and from what I gather, some pressure on your lady parts and on your bum is normal. But, you have to sift through information on the internet carefully because while 37 people will tell you that it's normal, one person will come in and say that it's not normal and that it means you have an incompitant cervix and you should go to the hospital. Seeing as I've had no pain or bleeding or anything like that, I'm gonna just try to relax and call my doctor's office tomorrow just to make sure I'm actually just crazy.

I'm also thankful for my amazing husband. He is truly my best friend and he works so hard to take care of us. I couldn't be more proud of him. I just hope he knows how much I appreciate him and everything he does to make our life what it is.

I'm so very thankful for my dog this Thanksgiving. I'm thankful that she's alive and healthy and that she has recovered from her accident. She is just such a huge part of our lives, I don't know what we'd do without her. I love her to pieces!

I'm also thankful that I have a job (even if it's only part time), I'm thankful that I have a roof over my head and a warm place to sleep at night, food to eat, and family and friends that are wonderful. It's easy to take things for granted on a daily basis, but that's what I love about Thanksgiving. It reminds you of what you have and that no matter how bad you think you might have it, there's someone out there that has it worse. Be thankful for everything you have. Happy Thanksgiving.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


I'm a bad blogger! My last post was when I turned 14 weeks, this Friday I'll be 16 weeks! I will be keeping up with the belly pics and stuff-I am taking them, I just haven't posted them yet.

Things are going well, except that I feel like I have headaches several times a week. Now, prior to being pregnant, I would just take some Excedrin Migrane and call it a day. No matter what kind of headache I had, that's what I would take because that seemed to be all that works for me. Well, you can't take the good stuff when you're pregnant, so I've found myself having these headaches and just having to suffer basically.

I know that right now, they are mostly sinus headaches because my sinuses are completely out of control.  I asked my doctor about it last week and she told me I could take the Advil sinus stuff......huh?? I am definitely not going to take it. There's no way, I'm too scared. So instead I got some nasal spray and just took one stupid regular tylenol. And what does that do for me? NOTHING. So I'm trying to drink more water and I'm using a heating pad to try to loosen up my neck muscles. Sometimes caffeine helps, but I try not to over do it with that.

I wish there was a better way to make the headaches go away.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Week 14

As of a couple days ago, week 14! That is officially the 2nd Trimester! Makes me happy to see those words!

courtesy of the bump

So lets see. I have another doctor's appointment on Wednesday. Nothing too exciting I think. Just a regular appointment to check everything out and hear the heartbeat.  I started taking belly shots a couple weeks ago. I have a 13 week and a 14 week. I think my 14 week actually looks smaller than the 13 week, but I had a different shirt on..who knows. I definitely feel yeah.

week 13

week 14

So there's that. What else? My doggie is doing great!!! She finally got a clean bill of health yesterday and she can get back to all of her normal activity. Her belly is looking really good. We're finally gonna take her to get a bath tomorrow-thank goodness! She's been a little bit stinky!

Also found out that my in-laws will be coming at the end of this week. Just my mother in law was supposed to come but now my father in law is coming too! They will be here sometime on Friday. They are gonna stay with us for a couple days and then my father in law is flying back on Monday morning and my mother in law is going to stay through Thanksgiving. She has to take her mom to a doctor's appointment and stuff too, so she won't be here the whole time, but it will be nice to have them back and spend some time with them for a few days. They haven't seen me since I've been pregnant so that will be fun. I'm not sure what the plan is for Thanksgiving yet. I think we're either gonna have dinner here at our house or we'll go out to eat. Whatever is easiest for Ry's mom and grandma. 

I've started looking at registry stuff. I haven't started any registries yet. I'm waiting until after December 22nd when we find out what we're having. But I want to be prepared so that I'm not completely overwhelmed. I'm going to register at Babies R Us, Target, and Walmart. I'm going to have 2 showers-one here in Indiana and one at home in Cleveland. I don't know if we're supposed to register for the crib and stuff or if we're supposed to be the ones to buy it. Hmm. I need to to some more research. I also got a list of stuff from one of my friends of things that she found to be really helpful and really useless when she had her baby. She made a lot of really good points so I think that is going to help me out a lot when I register.  Well, I have lots of school work to do today so I better get going!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Week 13

As of tomorrow, welcome to week 13 :)

I was feeling anxious today so I called the doctor's office to see if I could get in and hear the heartbeat. They're so awesome they fit me in. Nice strong heartbeat-she found it right away. The heartbeat was 150!! Also, I have the "big" ultrasound schedule! Dec. 22nd baby! Right before Christmas...weee! Feeling pretty good. I don't think I'll ever stop being scared or anxious, but it's always good to hear the heartbeat.