Sunday, November 14, 2010

Week 14

As of a couple days ago, week 14! That is officially the 2nd Trimester! Makes me happy to see those words!

courtesy of the bump

So lets see. I have another doctor's appointment on Wednesday. Nothing too exciting I think. Just a regular appointment to check everything out and hear the heartbeat.  I started taking belly shots a couple weeks ago. I have a 13 week and a 14 week. I think my 14 week actually looks smaller than the 13 week, but I had a different shirt on..who knows. I definitely feel yeah.

week 13

week 14

So there's that. What else? My doggie is doing great!!! She finally got a clean bill of health yesterday and she can get back to all of her normal activity. Her belly is looking really good. We're finally gonna take her to get a bath tomorrow-thank goodness! She's been a little bit stinky!

Also found out that my in-laws will be coming at the end of this week. Just my mother in law was supposed to come but now my father in law is coming too! They will be here sometime on Friday. They are gonna stay with us for a couple days and then my father in law is flying back on Monday morning and my mother in law is going to stay through Thanksgiving. She has to take her mom to a doctor's appointment and stuff too, so she won't be here the whole time, but it will be nice to have them back and spend some time with them for a few days. They haven't seen me since I've been pregnant so that will be fun. I'm not sure what the plan is for Thanksgiving yet. I think we're either gonna have dinner here at our house or we'll go out to eat. Whatever is easiest for Ry's mom and grandma. 

I've started looking at registry stuff. I haven't started any registries yet. I'm waiting until after December 22nd when we find out what we're having. But I want to be prepared so that I'm not completely overwhelmed. I'm going to register at Babies R Us, Target, and Walmart. I'm going to have 2 showers-one here in Indiana and one at home in Cleveland. I don't know if we're supposed to register for the crib and stuff or if we're supposed to be the ones to buy it. Hmm. I need to to some more research. I also got a list of stuff from one of my friends of things that she found to be really helpful and really useless when she had her baby. She made a lot of really good points so I think that is going to help me out a lot when I register.  Well, I have lots of school work to do today so I better get going!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats! Finally 2nd trimester! I agree on the pictures but I think it's because you're wearing black. Black usually makes people look slimmer :) I'm glad to hear your pup is back to normal!

    I hope you all have a good time with family. Regarding the registry, I think Target sends you a 20% off coupon a few weeks before your EDD so you can purchase things that are still on your registry. If you like a crib or other furniture from there I would register for it and use the 20% off coupon for it. We ended up getting our crib from Babies R Us. They also have 20% off coupons which will come in handy later with diapers :)
