Here's the situation: I need to make more money.
My husband makes great money. I used to make pretty good money. I took a pretty sizable pay cut in order to leave my horrific last place of employment. I have nothing to hide-I went from a job where I worked full time and made $13+ an hour to a job where I work part-time and make $8 an hour. Now, there was a method to my madness. The plan was to leave the bad place and get an easy part time gig for a while so that I could finish up the medical billing and coding classes that I take online. What I didn't take into consideration was the fact that I could get pregnant so quickly. It goes without saying that being pregnant is priority number one and that I'm thrilled beyond belief to be pregnant. I don't want anything to jeopardize that.
So what I need advice about is pregnant job seeking. As it stands right now, if we just started cutting back on stuff we don't need, we could be fine. But I don't want to just be fine. We have a baby coming and that's very expensive. We have a good chunk of money in our savings account as well, but my goal was to at least double that by the time the baby arrived. We aren't gonna be able to do that going on as we are. What I need to figure out is do I need to just hurry up and finish the coding classes and then try to find a job doing that (at which point I'll be about 20 weeks along-therefore, half way to my due date and having to take maternity leave-if anyone would even hire me to begin with. Or, would the better option be trying to find something now (a desk job maybe that has consistent hours and pays a little more) and do that until I have the baby and wait to try to begin my coding career after the baby is born?
I'm just not really sure what to do at this point. I should've put more thought into things before I tried to get a shitty retail job. I think I was just looking at something temporary either way until I could finish up my coding stuff and start doing that. Would anyone even hire a pregnant woman? I mean, technically, I could lie about it for at least 6-8 more weeks. And also, technically, employers can't discriminate against you for being pregnant. As long as you are capable of doing the job at hand, they can't take your pregnancy into consideration.
I really need to figure something out. There are things we are supposed to be doing to this house before the baby comes and money we need to be saving, all the while, we need to be paying our bills and paying for everyday necessities. What should I do?
january dumpin’
5 days ago
In my personal opinion because that's all it is... I think you should find a desk job right now. I too was pregnant when I got a new job I wasn't too far ahead but I basically got called for an interview on a Tuesday, it went well, then that Saturday I got my BFP. I started 2 weeks later so I was about 7 weeks pregnant. I didn't tell my employer anything until I hit 12 weeks. I felt bad but I just didn't think it was the right time.
ReplyDeleteYou are right, employers can't discriminate if you're pregnant but that doesn't mean they won't try to do it discretely :( I kind of had a feeling I was pregnant when I went in for my interview but I didn't mention anything to them. They of course aren't allowed to ask you about family, pregnancies, or medical things.
I say find a good desk job, when baby comes worry about finishing your classes. I hope I'm being of good help but that's how I would do it. Good luck making a decision!
Thank you for the advice! That's kind of what I was leaning towards as well. The sad thing is that I'm already stressed out. And I'm very hard on myself. I'm seriously thinking about not going back to my job tomorrow-but I feel like I will be letting down my husband and that when people find out, they will think I'm just some lazy person who doesn't want to work. I mean, I just switched jobs like two months ago. The hardest part is going to be finding something else. I mean, there are temp agencies, I could always go that route. I don't know. All I know right now is that I'm stressed...and I don't need that kind of stress. What I need is to keep my baby healthy. Ugh. This sucks. :(
ReplyDeleteI don't think your letting down your hubby or anyone else. If your job stresses you out that's not good for baby. I almost tried going with a temp agency. I used to hate my former job. I tried to leave since day 1 but didn't manage to find another job until 1 1/2 years later. Thank goodness I found my new job right when I found out I was pregnant because my old job stressed me out way too much! You know sometimes with temp agencies it can become a permanent position. I was contacted by one for a position with a company but didn't think it was the best fit for me :/ I say try the temp agency while also keeping your eyes open for something more stable :)